I am a firm believer of asking powerful questions. “The Quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions.” I encourage you to try a couple!

- What is the one thing about yourself people don’t know?
- What is the one thing about your business people don’t know?
- What is one thing most people don’t know about your profession?
- What is the most uncomfortable thing you have ever had to do?
- Why did you start this business when you started?
- Why did you like your job when you started?
- If you weren’t afraid of anything what would you like to do?
- What would you rather see in your industry?
- What’s holding you back from playing full out?
- What would you do this year if you had no fear?
- What are you naturally great at?
- What would I have to learn to_________________?
- If you knew then what you know now, what would you have done differently?
- What would your ideal world look like?
- How’s that working for you?
- What does that look like?
- What do you do well?
- What are you up to? What are you excited about?
- What is an ideal referral for you?
- What are you afraid of?
- What makes you cry?
- What burdens your spirit or weighs heavily on your heart?
- What makes you sing?
- What activities bring you joy?
- What do you dream of becoming?
- Ask the right question and you will get the right answer.
- A question never asked is a question never answered.
- What kind of investment are you making in your future?
- Do you have the characteristics that an “A” player would want to work for?
- Don’t show up and throw up, show up and ask good questions.
- What are you doing to outrun, outsmart, outperform and out do your competition?
- What 5 things must have to happen before the last day of your life for you to know that you have been a success?
- If you want better answers ask better questions.
- The quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions.
- Ask questions you have never asked before.
- Ask questions that no one else has asked before.
- The reason for the question is more important than the answer.
- What are the 3 things you must do to strengthen your relationship with_____________??
- What are 3 things that are keeping your company from being more successful?
- What are 3 things that keep your company from growing?
- What is the most important question you have ever asked?
- What is the most important question that has ever been asked of you?
- What is the one thing you can do better than anyone else?
- What is the one thing we can do better than anyone else?
- What is the one thing your company can do better than anyone else?
- What’s the worst case scenario?
- What are you worried about, so I can take steps to make sure that doesn’t happen?
- What do I need to know in order for this project to be a success?
- What is the best case scenario, what do I need to working toward?
- What are your criteria for success?
- What standards do I have to make sure I hit for you to have confidence in me?
- Will your customers miss you when you are gone?
- What are the principles that you always want to abide by?
- What makes you unique?
- How do you like to be recognized for a job well done?
- What can you provide that none of your competitors can?
- How long do you intend to keep worrying about that?
- If money was not an issue what would you be doing?
- If your lifestyle were a 10 what would it look like?
- How has your business changed in the past 5 years?
- What more can I do for you?
- What existing dangers do you need to eliminate in order for you to be successful?
- What are the 3 biggest opportunities you have of gaining something new and beneficial?
- What are your 3 most valuable capabilities or resources that you have?
- What do I Know about my friends, my family, my Employees, my customers,
What do I know about them?
What do I appreciate about them?
What do I want them to know?
How do I want them to feel?
What do I want them to do?
Mark Miller